Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Essential Question: For this unit, you choose your own question to investigate.

Goal: to continue to deepen your knowledge about your topic.

Reading: You will need to have one book read outside of class by May 19th.

  1. Research Day
    1. By now you should have read and taken notes on at least three resources.
    2. If you need help finding a resource for your project, let me know.
    3. Remember, you should always approach your source with a question or questions.
  2. Prepare for a Socratic Seminar tomorrow.
    1. Round 1: Analyze how Montag and Mildred's relationship changes in section two. How is it the same and how is it different?
    2. Round 2: What role does Faber play in Montag's life? Does Montag need Faber?
    3. Round 3: Your questions.


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