Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Connotation and Denotation

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today you will start your second book. We will turn in our first book review.

  1. Turn in your first book review. Fill out your reading log with your new book.
    1. Period 1
      1. ID: 18972684
      2. Key: brubaker1
    2. Period 6
      1. ID: 18972747
      2. Key: brubaker2
  2. Speed discussion: What do you think?
    1. Leo is really in love VS. Leo just has a crush. Why is Leo attracted to Stargirl?
    2. How is Leo being shaped? What changes do we see?
    3. Is Stargirl annoying? Would you be her friend? What positive quality would you want to influence you?
  3. Word choice: Connotation and Denotation on GOOGLE CLASSROOM.
    1. Connotation is the definition of a word. 
    2. Denotation is the emotion behind the word.
    3. Authors frequently choose words because of their denotation.
  4. Participle practice in English Journal #5
  5. Today we will read to page 109 in Stargirl.
    1. Listen to the audio up to 2:33:00
    2. Read the the PDF up to page 78

Success Criteria:
  1. I can analyze how a character develops over the course of a text.
  2. I know the difference between Connotation and Denotation.
  3. I can create my own sentence with a participle.
  4. I understand what happened in Stargirl today.

  1. Your next book needs to be done by the 28th.
  2. Finish your vocabulary to 100% by Monday.

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